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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success



Throughout the year children will study three strands of Geography:


Geographical Knowledge - Location and Place Knowledge

Geographical Understanding  - Human and Physical 

Geographical Skills and Fieldwork. 

(map and atlas work; Field work and investigation) 


Within Geographical Knowledge children will identify the position of the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and understand the significance of latitude and longitude and explain why some regions in the UK are different from others.


Within Geographical Understanding children will describe the water cycle in sequence, using appropriate vocabulary, and name some of the processes associated with rivers and mountains. They will look at and use appropriate vocabulary to describe the main land uses in the UK within urban areas and identify the key characteristics of rural areas. Children will also describe some physical and human characteristics of world countries.


Within Geographical Skills and Fieldwork, children will use a map or atlas to locate world countries and cities in Europe and North and South America. They will be learning how to use four-figure grid references and give direction instructions up to eight compass points. Children will be taught to use appropriate vocabulary to describe the main land uses in the UK within urban areas and identify the key characteristics of rural areas. They will also be describing some physical and human characteristics of world countries.

