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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success


Our science lessons are split into four topics which we will study over the course of the year.


The topics are:

Electricity –During this topic we will look at common appliances and identify ones which require electricity to run and look at and recognise conductors and insulators. Using our knowledge of circuits we will then construct our own and make a light up Christmas card.


Animals including humans - We focus on the digestive system and look at the functions of human organs.  We build on our prior knowledge of food chains and identify producers, predators and prey.


Sound – Here we look at how sounds are made, and begin to recognise the role of pitch, volume and vibration on sound.


States of matter – For this topic we look at different materials and group them according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. We will also observe changing state of materials when cooled or heated. The role of condensation and evaporation within the water cycle is investigated.


Throughout the year the children will learn how to work scientifically and the importance of fair testing.
