School Logo School Logo

Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Values and Ethos


At Throston Primary School we have what we call the 'Flying Steps to Success', the steps (or Throsties) are values which are explicitly taught during lessons, educational visits, lunchtimes, assemblies etc. in order to ensure children achieve in life. The values were devised by the school council and school staff. If children demonstrate they have shown one of the flying steps to success they will be given a bespoke certificate, badge and sticker. All children aim to acquire all 16 badges whilst at the school. How many will your child obtain? The school has 'emoticons' to go with the Throsties as shown via this link: Happy collecting!


Definition of Value: The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.



At Throston Primary School our priority is to develop a love of learning through quality teaching. We work tirelessly to ensure that our children enjoy a stimulating and diverse education where learning is irresistible and children are happy, feel safe and are valued. Everything we do as a school is to ensure that our children achieve their very best and we are deeply aware that children only get one chance at their primary education, we want everyone ‘ to have a flying start to success’, hence the phoenix on our school logo. 


Definition of Ethos: The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its attitudes and aspirations.

On the school logo you will see a phoenix seated on a bridge. The bridge is actually Throston Bridge which once stood as the entrance to the Headland. The bridge was demolished in 1973, the same year the school opened. Therefore whilst one structure was destroyed another structure, our school, was constructed.

The phoenix is of course the mythical bird that spontaneously combusts at the end of its life, from its ashes rises a new bird just as powerful as its predecessor. Please note according to the dictionary a phoenix is also the word for describing a person or thing regarded as uniquely remarkable in some respect. At Throston we certainly believe every child is unique! Around the logo you will also notice eight individual links, each one represents a year group from Nursery to Year 6. Put all the links together and you have one supportive chain working to take the school forward. Every child no matter what age is equally important at Throston. 


At Throston we aim to improve the mental health provision for all our pupils and staff, in order that the school is a place of emotional wellbeing. Recently we received the reward below:

Throston Primary School Prayer

This is our school
Let love abide here
Love of God
Love of mankind
And love of life itself
Let us remember
That many bricks build a home
And many hearts make a school


Page updated: 20/08/2021
