Our Throsties
At Throston Primary School we have what we call the 'Flying Steps to Success', the steps (or Throsties) are values which are explicitly taught during lessons, educational visits, lunchtimes, assemblies etc. in order to ensure children achieve in life. The values were devised by the school council and school staff. If children demonstrate they have shown one of the flying steps to success they will be given a bespoke certificate, badge and sticker. All children aim to acquire all 16 badges whilst at the school. How many will your child obtain? Below lists what a child needs to demonstrate to obtain a Throstie. Throsties are awarded during Friday afternoon celebration assemblies.
I can investigate to find out more information.
I have become better than before.
I can decide and act on my own to achieve a particular purpose.
I am able to demonstrate how to keep my mind and body healthy.
Self-Belief I have confidence in my own ability, and show determination and resilience.
I am able to look after and protect the environment. This Throstie was designed by a former pupil (Maddie Truman-Wray).
Online Safety I am able to keep myself and others safe online. This Throstie was designed by a former pupil (Amber Arnell).
Aspire I have a strong wish to achieve or to become something.
I understand that there are many people, beliefs and values that can be very different.
Considerate I always think about and understand other people’s feelings and I am careful not to hurt or upset others.
Collaborate I can work with somebody to make or achieve something.
Inspire I am able to give somebody the desire, confidence or enthusiasm to do something well.
Downloadable Throsties
Page updated: 13/09/2021