School Complaints Procedure
If you are particularly pleased about how things are going in your child’s education, please let us know by
writing to the Chair of Governors (Mr. Andrew Millward), the Director of Child and Adult Services or e-mailing: Contact details are available from the school office. If you have a concern or complaint against a member of staff or the school it would be most helpful to the school and beneficial to the parent/carer if the following procedures could be followed. The stages are described in more detail via the attached policy.
Complaints Procedure Stages
Stage 1 - Informal Concern*
The complaint should be resolved in 15 days or moved to Stage 2.
Parents/Carers should make an appointment with the appropriate member of staff so that the concern can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.
Stage 2 - Formal Complaint
The complaint should be resolved in 15 days or moved to Stage 3.
If having seen a member of staff the parent/carer is still not satisfied with the outcome they are asked to put their concern in writing and address it to the Head Teacher, using the 'complaints procedure form' found within the attached policy.
Stage 3 - Investigation by the Chair of Governors
The complaint should be resolved in 20 days or moved to Stage 4.
In the event that a parent/carer is still unhappy the Chair of Governors will be made available in school for the parent/carer to see.
Stage 4 - Investigation by the Schools Complaints Committee
The complaint should move from Stage 3 to Stage within 10 days.
If the Chair of Governors response is still unacceptable the parent/carer may request a meeting of the governing body complaints committee. Written acknowledgement of the complaint will be made within 3 school days by the committee and the panel will hear the complaint within 20 school days. The complainant will receive a written response explaining the panel’s findings and recommendations within 15 school days after the hearing.
Stage 5 - Appeal
If the school solution is unsatisfactory parents have the right to complain directly to the Education Authority
and then to the Secretary of State for Education. If a complaint has completed the school’s process and the complainant remains dissatisfied, they have the right to refer their complaint to the Secretary of State using the online form or in writing to:
Ministerial and Public Communications Division
Department for Education
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
*If the complaint is about the head teacher, the complainant will be referred to the Chair of Governors. If the complaint is about the Chair of Governors, the clerk to the governors should be contacted (contact details are available from the school office). It may be that the complaint is heard by a co-opted governor from another school.
SEND Complaints:
Complaints linked to Special Educational Needs should initially be sent to Mrs. Tate (
Useful Links:
School Policy:
Page Updated: 04/10/2022.