At Throston Primary School we provide our children with a broad and balanced curriculum. Our ambitious curriculum provides the knowledge and cultural capital our learners need to succeed in life. Our curriculum aims are summarised in the 'Intent, Implementation and Impact' document shown below. Within the Early Years (Nursery and Reception) we follow the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage ( We also use the non-statutory guidance 'Development Matters' within Early Years ( In Years 1 to Year 6 we follow the National Curriculum ( We teach our children the importance of good learning behaviours in order for them to become learners for life. We also incorporate our values via our Throsties ( and have a strong emphasis on wellbeing (please see our vision statement below). Our teaching is based around themes. At Throston Primary School we're teaching every child to read with Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised.
Our termly learning is enhanced by educational visits and visitors to school. In addition, our Key Stage 2 children benefit from an annual residential visit. A feature of our curriculum is our outdoor learning sessions in our forest school and year group lessons in our Learning Zone. To find out more about our approach to equality and the curriculum and how we ensure it is accessible to all children with special educational needs and disabilities please visit the following pages:
Equality Objectives
Special Education Needs and Disability Information
To find our more about our curriculum, please e-mail our curriculum lead: Mrs. Jane Kashouris (
School Curriculum Content
Reading Strategy
Homework is distributed on a Monday and collected on the following Monday.
Handwriting Targets
English Phonics:
- Daily Phonics Lessons (Reception, Year 1 and for children who did not pass the Phonic Screening Check) -
Supporting Reading and Phonics at Home:
English Reading:
- Daily whole class reading lessons. Teachers to keep weekly reading journals (use of manila folders). Teachers can use Reading Vipers to develop and support bespoke questioning.
- Children read for 15 minutes per day (during this time staff listen to children). Reading records updated appropriately with emphasis on SEND and the bottom 20%.
- Use of Boom Reader App to record reading at home.
- Teachers read to children daily, using varied texts (not the core texts).
- Core texts displayed on classroom doors and within classrooms.
- Regular visits to the school library.
English Vocabulary:
- A word will be taught daily (10 to 15 minutes), including meaning, word class, antonym, synonym and how the words fits into a sentence -
English Spelling:
- Use of weekly spelling patterns.
- Opportunities to practise spelling during the week.
English Writing:
In Key Stage 1 and 2, there will be a range of writing genres linked to their theme and core text each term.
At least three high quality pieces of writing per half- term.
English Handwriting:
Direct teaching of handwriting to teach accurate formation and joins.
Modelling of handwriting during shared writing/group writing activities.
Daily arithmetic lessons.
Use of the 'Give Me 5' problem solving approach.
Each unit starts with a timeline, that will be displayed in the classroom.
Number Facts Class Targets
Our Key Curriculum Documents
Our Theme Overviews
Our Core Texts
Our E.L.M. (Explore, Learn, Make)
Our Inspirational People
Throston Trio
We have surveyed all children, parents, staff and governors asking for suggestions of key things they would like for the children, by the time they leave Throston, having had the opportunity to experience. We asked:-
1) What would you like to learn during time at Throston?
2) What would you like to make or create during time at Throston?
3) What would you like to experience or visit during time at Throston?
The results have been collated and a new Throston Trio is being created. These are a trio of experiences and opportunities for children to experience alongside our curriculum.
Subject Content
By clicking on the subjects below, you can access more information about individual areas of the curriculum. The pages are currently being populated by subject leads.
Arts Vision
All children at Throston Primary via the Arts will be creative, academically challenged and physically active whilst having countless fun. They will achieve their dreams.
Sensory Activities
The activities suggested may provide some time away from written school work to allow your child to have a 'brain break'. They can also be used as a form of relaxation and distraction technique if a child is becoming anxious or upset.
Curriculum Leads:
Maths | Mrs. Emma. Ord | |
English | Mrs. Angela Hall | |
Early Years | Mrs. Abby Davies | |
Science | Mr. Stephen Molyneux | |
Computing | Mr. Stephen Molyneux | |
History | Mrs. Abby Davies | |
Geography | Mr. Liam McMorris | |
Art and Design | Miss. Sarah Younghusband | |
Music | Mrs. Jennifer Masshedar | |
Design and Technology | Miss. Deb Moody | |
Modern Foreign Languages | Mrs. Jo. Bell | |
Physical Education | Mrs. Kay Martin | |
Religious Education | Mrs. Michelle Parker | |
PSHE | Mrs. Andrea Samuel | |
Rights Respecting | Miss. Deb Moody | |
Eco Schools | Mrs. Amanda Sharp | |
Educational Visits | Mrs. Jane Kashouris | |
Page Updated: 11/11/2021.