In Summer
Let it Go
London 2024
Come and Join Drama Club - September 2023!
Matilda - Week 2

Drama Reward
Drama Update - Thursday 20th April 2023
Here are the show dates for Shrek the Musical!
Dress Rehearsal:
1.00pm to 4.00pm at High Tunstall - Sunday 25th June 2023.
The Shows:
All shows will commence at 6.00pm, and be held at High Tunstall.
Monday 26th June 2023 (Cian Coyle, Lilly Ward, Poppy Carney and Scarlett Winspear).
Tuesday 27th June 2023 (George Gatenby, Jasmine Cutting, Jessie Wilson and Caitlyn Phelan).
Wednesday 28th June 2023 (Macey Horsley, Izzy Richardson, Freja Cooke and Caitlyn Phelan).
Please let us know if your child is in the cast and will be away for any of the above dates.
Drama Update - Wednesday 8th February 2023
Today 12 members of drama club performed for the 'Mayoress at Home' at a special event in the Civic Centre. Needless to say they were Shrektacular and a great advert for the forthcoming summer show.
Morning Person

I'm a Believer!

Drama Update - Thursday 13th October 2022
Our song for tonight.
Drama Update - Thursday 29th September 2022
Please find below a copy of the two songs we have rehearsed so far. Next week children can sing one of the two songs during our auditions for singing parts.
Drama Update - Thursday 8th September 2022
Please return the 'Shrek' reply slip on the letter below, if you would like your child to join drama club this academic year (Year 3 to Year 6 only).
Drama Update - Tuesday 28th June 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
Just a quick update regarding forthcoming drama dates:
1) On Sunday 10th July 2022, there will be a full dress rehearsal at High Tunstall from 10.00am to 1.00pm. We hope your child can make it. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Please assemble at the main entrance for 10.00am, children will need collecting from the main entrance at 1.00pm. If your child can walk home alone please let us know ASAP.
2) On Monday 11th July 2022, we will have another rehearsal at High Tunstall (10.00am), before our first official show at 6.00pm at High Tunstall. Please can parents and carers ensure children are dropped off at the main entrance at High Tunstall for 5.15pm, and collected at 8.00pm. We will walk to and from the College on the Monday morning.
3) On Wednesday 13th July 2022, we will have our second official show at 10.00am at High Tunstall. We will walk to and from the College.
Please can you let a member of drama club know if your child is going to be absent from a show.
Which Night Will My Child Play Their Part!
This year we hope to bring you 'Aladdin'. Due to COVID-19 this show has been delayed significantly, however, the show must go on and we aim to perform the show in summer 2022.
Due to recent restrictions we are slightly altering drama club this year, please see the notes below:
1) All existing drama members can keep their part if they so wish and attend when drama restarts on Thursday 30th September 2021 (3.30pm to 4.30pm). If your child no longer wants to participate please let us know, we will understand. If your child does not want their part please can you return their script.
2) In a bid to recruit new members we will be holding auditions during lunchtimes on Tuesday 28th September 2021 and Wednesday 29th September 2021. Those auditioning will have the choice of singing 'Friend Like Me' or 'A Whole New World'. They will also be asked to act the part of the Genie from page 40 of the script (a copy is attached below). Auditions are open to all children in Year 3 to Year 6.
3) By clicking on the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Gi866-OVzYZzQy7SR4UHS0hsYoeo1EcC you can access song words and music to help rehearse. The music works best if you create a playlist. A HUGE thank you to our musical mastermind, Mr. Gibson for putting this together. Needless to say there any many other online sites that show how the songs are performed.
4) Initially, we will start with just the main cast, however, after Christmas, when hopefully more COVID-19 restrictions lift, we will add the full choir.
5) This year drama will be led by: Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Cleveland, Mr. McMorris and Mr. Atkinson. We also have Tia Andrews joining us. Tia is a former lead member of drama group and a former winner of Throston's Got Talent.
6) We will soon have a meeting with all interested children to explain in more detail what is happening this year.
If you have any questions in the interim please e-mail: admin@throstonschool.org.uk
Useful Downloads
Use the links below to download the songs:
Various: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1P48yLqBTnwI3TO2l6GHKHq7MFQr_M1BL
One Jump Ahead: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MKR3KGymtH2ERmMt7N2Vdx7pOKixyFz3
These Palace Walls: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bMm6sJQ01XnAouh9y4NKufv9Xx2njlBZ?usp=sharing
Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HH0e1zsYzI35UAbYg3FPVQwcTHhzhFZw?usp=sharing
High Adventure: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11Q1AIo44XTAnnOKLPj3RQ1QgmvvrBqOG
One Jump Ahead (Reprise), Prince Ali (Reprise) and Finale: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YP7wTee8h7q66q_RAcqqiycA5FaaQkj6
Page Updated: 06/09/2023.