School Charity
Poppy Day History
Roll of Honour - The Ian Cameron Schools Poppy Appeal Outstanding School Trophy
2007 won by St. John Vianney School.
2008 won by St. John Vianney School.
2009 won by St. John Vianney School.
2010 won by West Park School.
2011 won by Clavering School.
2012 won by Throston Primary.
2013 won by Throston Primary.
2014 won by Throston Primary and Manor College.
2015 won by Throston Primary and Manor College.
2016 won by St. Aidan’s Primary and Manor Academy.
2017 won by Throston Primary and Manor Academy.
2018 won by Throston Primary and Manor Academy.
2019 won by Throston Primary and Manor Academy.
2020 Covid - No Poppy Sales.
2021 - Most Sales - won by Throston Primary.
2022 - Most Sales - won by Throston Primary.
2023 - Most Sales - won by Throston Primary.
2023 Update:
Thank you to everyone who helped us raise money during our 2023 Poppy Appeal. We were delighted to receive the ‘Ian Cameron’ trophy on Friday 15th December 2023, for raising more money than any other primary school in the town for the Poppy Appeal. We raised a staggering £1,107.98. The President of the Rotary Club Wallace Stewart and Alan Lakey presented us with the 'Poppy Trophy'. Theo Dickinson accepted the trophy on behalf the school. His brother Tyler a former pupil is now a Communications Infrastructure Technician/Aerial Erector with the RAF. A true inspiration. Well done everybody!
2022 Update:
Every school day until Sunday 13th November 2022 (Remembrance Sunday) there will be an opportunity for children to support the British Legion and buy poppy related merchandise. Year 6 children visit each class each day selling items. Please note items can also be purchased direct from the school office.
Ruler: Suggested Donation - 50p
Pencil: Suggested Donation - 50p
Zip Pull: Suggested Donation - £1
Pencil Sharpener: Suggested Donation - 50p
Eraser: Suggested Donation - 50p
Reflector: Suggested Donation - £1
Silicon Wrist Band/Bracelet (varying designs): Suggested Donation - £1
Snap Band: Suggested Donation - £1.50
In addition, to all the poppy merchandise in school, there are now bespoke poppies available to display in your windows. They have been made by our very own poppy hero Harry Fletcher. The suggested donation is £1.
08/12/2022 Update:
I am delighted to announce that once again we have raised more money than any other primary school in the town for the Poppy Appeal. We raised a staggering £960.43. We will be awarded the 'Ian Cameron' poppy trophy next week. Well done everybody!
09/12/2022 Update:
A HUGE thank you to our Poppy Hero - Harry Fletcher for raising £231 for the Royal British Legion via bag packing and selling bespoke homemade poppies.
16/12/2022 Update:
Today we we were awarded the 'Ian Cameron' trophy once again, for being the Hartlepool school who raised the most money for the Poppy Appeal (£960.43). Well done everyone.
Poppy Day 2021/2
01/11/2021: From the start of November until Remembrance Sunday (14th November 2021) children will be able to purchase a poppy or poppy merchandise to show their support for the Royal British Legion. Please note Harry Fletcher*, our Poppy hero 'as seen on TV', from previous campaigns will also be selling his own bespoke poppies that commemorate 100 years of the poppy appeal (as shown above). Year 6 will visit individual classes to see if children want to make a donation for a poppy. You can also obtain poppies from the main school office.
*Harry has previously raised over £5000 for the Royal British Legion, and been thanked personally by the Queen and Bear Grylls.
15/11/2021: Just in case you missed our recent article in the Hartlepool Mail:
17/11/2021: Well done to our poppy superstar. Here he is reading a thank you card from Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen for raising money via his bespoke centenary poppies. Thank you to everyone who bought one. Harry raised a staggering £610! Well done.
10/03/2022: I am delighted to announce that yesterday we were informed that our school had raised the most money for the Royal British Legion last November. Thanks to your 'poppytastic' support we raised an amazing £854.88 for this very worthwhile cause. The Rotary Club of Hartlepool will present us with a special trophy next Friday (18/03/2022).
18/03/2022: Today we were presented with the 'Ian Cameron Trophy' for being the 'School Poppy Appeal Outstanding School' by Alan Lakey from the Hartlepool Rotary Club and their President Carol Menabawey. Thanks to your 'poppytastic' support we raised an amazing £854.88 for this very worthwhile cause.
Our 100 Year Poppy Celebrations
Poppy Award Ceremony - Most Poppy Money Raised
Every year the school nominates a MAIN school charity to support, this year we have selected the RNLI. This follows recent tragic drownings in Hartlepool. You can read about how we 'launched' this charity via the link below:
The RNLI have since visited Year 1:
We also raise money for many other charities as shown below:
Throston Primary School will be participating in ‘Children in Need’ on Friday 19th November 2021. Children and staff may come to school dressed in Pudsey clothes and merchandise or choose to wear non-uniform. Donations will be collected in buckets as the children enter school, we also hope to set up an online donation page. This year we will also be contributing money to the ‘Intensive Care Unit’ at North-Tees Hospital, as one of our Nursery children wants to show support for her uncle who sadly passed away recently. Her uncle always wanted to help raise funds for as he put it, ‘the angels of ICU’.
During the day there will be a focus on wellbeing and celebrating differences. Each class will even develop a resource which will support children when they are feeling stressed, providing them with a strategy to draw upon.
On Children in Need Day (19/11/2021), children shared their knowledge of a neurodiversity and showed a calming resource they had made. The school managed to raise £200 for the Intensive Care Unit at North Tees Hospital and £200 for Children in Need. Amazing - thank you!
A heartwarming story about fantastic fundraising, in which Throston Primary played a part:
Next Friday (18th November) is Pudsey Day. On this day children can come to school in non-uniform if they wish, and make a donation for 'Children in Need'. It should be a SPOTACULAR day!
Look at how happy Pudsey is, this is because Throston Primary raised £460.61 for Children in Need. Well done everyone.
Children in Need 2021 - What We Did!
Red Nose Day 2022
Red Nose Day and our annual Joke Competition will be held on Friday 18th March 2022. On the morning of Red Nose Day, the children will be learning more about being resilient, listening to stories of children who have required resilience in order for them to overcome life's obstacles. Early Years and Key Stage 1 will be making ‘Resilience Jars’ exploring things that can help them to become more resilient and Key Stage 2 will be given a Resilience Challenge by making origami birds. The day will be a non-uniform day whereby we encourage everyone to wear something red or to wear Comic Relief merchandise and make a small monetary donation. Children get your jokes ready. Thanks to one of our writing groups we have a fabulous judging panel that is comprised of:
Members of the School Pupil Leadership Team.
School Governors (Mrs. Littlewood and Mr. Millward).
Ex-Throston Classroom Teacher: Mrs. Julie Moor.
Representatives from Gamers@Hart, namely Peter and Jeni.
Previous Joke Competition Winners:
2017: Shay Turnbull: “How does the sea say hello?” – “it waves”.
2018: Amy Howlett: “Why do ducks have feathers?” – “To cover their butt-quack”.
2019: Phoebe Hilder: “A snowman is asked why he is in the carrot freezer aisle; he replies he is picking his nose”.
2020: Just very bad teacher jokes, due to COVID-19:
2021: Abigail Moreton: "So there's this kid named Cal, and he's a bit of a thug. He often breaks into people's homes just for fun. One thing he loves to do in people's homes is to absolutely destroy their washing machines. He will destroy them until they are broken so they are completely beyond use. Recently Cal passed away, which is sad news, but now....washing machines live longer with Cal gone!"
2022: Emilia Hamilton-Bowen: "What do you call a cave man's fart? - A Blast from the Past".
Friday 18th March 2022 Update:
Thank you to the Kerr Family for raising £75 for Comic Relief via creating bespoke personalised t-shirts, they looked fantastic!
Well done to all the participants in our annual joke competition. The judges had a very difficult task. You can view the winning joke at:
Congratulations to all our finalists, the runner-up and winner. Thank you to all our judges!
WARNING: joke contains a word from the medieval period that may offend!
We have had an amazing day: embarking on resilience activities, dressing in red, hearing very funny jokes and most importantly raising money for people who need it across the world! Well done #TeamThroston you have helped us raise £466.53 for Red Nose Day 2022! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you to the Kerr Family for raising £75 for Comic Relief via creating bespoke personalised t-shirts, they looked fantastic!
Page Updated: 20/11/2022.