School Places Available
Thank you so much for clicking on the link, if you are interested in finding out more about Throston Primary School or are thinking about your child joining our Nursery or School you have arrived at the right page.
We would love to meet you and take you and your child on a school tour. To book a tour simply phone the school office on: (01429) 288291. Please also use this number to ask any questions you may have about the school, our very friendly office staff will be more than happy to help. If you prefer to send an e-mail with your query or tour request please use the following e-mail address:
If the school is closed due to the holidays, you do not have to wait, simply send an e-mail to: and we will reply to your query.
Below you will find a copy of our school Early Years Prospectus, which is full of useful information about our Nursery and Reception Classes. You may also want to click on: to view pictures and movies of all our superstar children.
More about our admission arrangements can be accessed via:
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you give your child 'A Flying Start to Success'. Click on our baby phoenix to read our latest news:
Read All About Our Nursery and Reception Classes
CURRENT SCHOOL NUMBERS (as of 17/10/2023):
Session | Number |
Nursery | 42 |
Class 1 - Reception | 29 |
Class 2 - Reception | 27 |
Class 3 - Year 1 | 24 |
Class 4 - Year 1 | 24 |
Class 5 - Year 2 | 27 |
Class 6 - Year 2 | 25 |
Class 7 - Year 3 | 31 |
Class 8 - Year 3 | 30 |
Class 9 - Year 4 | 29 |
Class 10 - Year 4 | 30 |
Class 11 - Year 5 | 30 |
Class 12 - Year 5 | 30 |
Class 13 - Year 6 | 28 |
Class 14 - Year 6 | 30 |
- 393 without Nursery
- 42 in Nursery
- Nursery to Year 6 = 435
- 2024 Reception: 42
- 78 Place Nursery, 39 Places per Morning and Afternoon Session
Page Updated: 17/10/2023.