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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Our Partners

Current Networks:


Cluster Leads Network:
David Akers, Mark Atkinson, Tracey Gibson, John Hardy, Andrew Jordan, Mark Tilling, Zoe Westley and Leanne Yates.


Central Cluster 1 Cluster Group
Chaired by Mark Atkinson

Current Focus: Developing Curriculum Subject Leads
Eldon Grove, Hart/Elwick, High Tunstall, Lynnfield, Rift House, Sacred Heart, Springwell, Throston and West Park.

Maintained Schools Network:

Clavering, Fens, Golden Flatts/Lynnfield, Grange, Greatham, High Tunstall, the Horizon School, Kingsley, Rift House, Rossmere, Springwell, St. Helen’s, Throston and Ward Jackson.


School Partnership Programme Network: Ayresome, Barnard Grove, Brougham, Crooksbarn, Eldon Grove, New Silksworth, Rossmere, St. Aidan’s, Rift House, Rosebrook, Sunnyside Academy, Thorntree Academy, Throston, West Park and West View.

Similar Schools Network: Clavering and Fens.


Edutech: James Hoyle (EdTech Demo Lead, Skipton Girls’ High School,

 and Rebecca Lofthouse.


Other: Local Authority Digital Learning Team, NFER Champion and Schools Forum Network (Clavering, Kingsley and St. Helen’s).

Child Injury Prevention Coordinator: Joanne Andrews

01429 284372

07811 735780


Page Updated: 14/11/2021.
