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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

View Our Pictures, Spring 2016

County Cross Country Championships - Wednesday 23rd March 2016

The Easter Parade

Our Easter Egg Winners 2016

Year 1 to Year 5 Easter Shows 2016

The Junior Inspectors deliver their latest findings (Wednesday 16th March 2016).

Images from the 2016 Early Years Easter Shows.

Children compete in the town cross-country championship at Summerhill, Friday 11th March 2016.

Winners of our recent 'Walk to School' Competition!

Service children from local cluster schools enjoy making food for their parents (Thursday 3rd March 2016).

Year 4 children meet author Tom Palmer (Thursday 25th February 2016).

Children participate in a Cross-Country tournament and are crowned runners up (Wednesday 24th February 2016).

Children in Upper Key Stage 2 participate in NSPCC workshops (Monday 22nd February 2016).

Reception enjoy Road Safety Workshops, Wednesday 10th February 2016.

Year 2 enjoy a Harry Potter themed day at Throston Library (Thursday 4th February 2016).

Service children from local cluster schools enjoy a 32 hub challenge day (Thursday 4th February 2016).

Selected Year 2 children participate in a multi-skills tournament at High Tunstall (Thursday 4th February 2016).

Councillor Springer and Councillor Hind lead an assembly for Key Stage 2 children (Monday 1st February 2016).

The school is awarded the Ian Cameron Trophy (4th year in a row) for raising the most money for the Hartlepool Poppy Appeal (Friday 29th January 2016).

Year 5 children compete in a Basketball Tournament at Manor College (Wednesday 27th January 2016).

Nursery meet the Fire Brigade (Tuesday 26th January 2016).

Year 4 Visit the Blue Reef Aquarium in Tynemouth, Tuesday 19th January 2016.

Year 4 commence a skipping programme, Wednesday 13th January 2016.

Year 4 attend Science Stem Events at High Tunstall, January 2016.

'Dog Positive' shows children how to stay safe around dogs, Monday 11th January 2016.

Adam Bushnell and Liz Million use story and illustrations to teach our 'Steps to Success', Monday 11th January 2016 to Friday 15th January 2016.

The Dogs Trust visit Year 1, Wednesday 6th January 2016.

Zoolab visit Year 1 and Year 5, Tuesday 5th January 2016.
