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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Pupil Premium


The main aim of the pupil premium funding within Throston Primary is to:

1) Raise attainment;

2) Improve non-academic outcomes, such as improving pupils’ mental health and attendance.


Pupil Premium Statements

2021 to 2022 Pupil Premium
Our Grant Allocation: £138,705
Percentages based on school roll as of 21/09/2021.

Adopted from Care - £2345 (13 children) = £30,485
Service Children - £310 (2 children, one in Year 1 and one in Year 7) = £620
Disadvantaged - £1345 (80 children) = £107,600
Look After Children - 2 (One from Year 6 and one from Year 7)


Pupil PremiumYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7TOTAL
Adopted From Care231301313
Service Children10000012
TOTAL CHILDREN1413121910131596
NUMBER ON ROLL605956536060n/a398*


*including Reception.


FREE SCHOOL MEALS (as of 23/09/2021):

Year GroupRecep.Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6TOTAL

2020/2021 National Average = 20.8%



14 children, entitled to £302/Year. More about EYPP and the DAF (Disability Access Fund) can be ascertained from:

The above funding has been linked to the following spends:

Employees = £66,341
Additional Teacher: £43,184

Additional Admin Staff with emphasis on Wellbeing and Attendance: £13,556

Additional Support Staff: £9,601


Transport = £3,500
Pupil Travel: £2,500
Taxi Costs: £1,000

Supplies and Services = £35,426
ICT Learning Resources: £10,000
Performing Rights: £500
Chess: £1,664
Drama: £1,500
Assessment Support: £2,000
Music: £13,012
Educational Visits: £2,000
Outdoor Activity Centres: £4,000
Rewards: £500

Library Service Buyback: £250


Capitation = £2,500

Leases = £11,513


Extended Services = £19,425


Total Pupil Premium = £138,705


Our new statement will be published before December 2021 via the template located at: The new statement will include:


☑ a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at Throston Primary;

☑ how we spend the pupil premium to overcome barriers and the reasons for our approach;

☑ how we measure the effect of the pupil premium.

The report will also state how we used the pupil premium from the previous academic year and the impact on eligible children.

Page updated: 16/12/2022.
