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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Football Success - 12.11.2021

A huge congratulations to our fabulous Year 5 and Year 6 footballers who won a football tournament yesterday in the first round of the Utilita Cup. They will now play in a final at Victoria Park after the match against Forest Green on Saturday 20th November 2021. They won every match:


First Round:

Throston (6) Vs. Pentland A (1)
Throston (4) Vs. West View (0)
Throston (2) Vs. St Patrick’s (1)
Throston (6) Vs. Rossmere (0)

Semi Final:
Throston (5) Vs. Billingham South (1)

Throston will play St. Patrick’s in the final at Victoria Park on Saturday 20th November. Good luck!


Well done boys ⚽️
