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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Year 3 Curriculum


Welcome back to Year 3! 


Your teachers this year are Mr Molyneux, Mrs Sharp and Mrs Masshedar. Mr Molyneux is Class 7 and both Mrs Sharp and Mrs Masshedar share Class 8. This will change this term as Mrs Masshedar will be moving to cover nursery and Mrs Sharp will be full time in year 3. We also have Mrs Feroz who will be helping us this year. We are all looking forward to the term ahead and seeing the children grow and develop.  Please contact us via dojo if you require any assistance. 


We have a lot to fit in this half term leading up to Easter. 


Our PE days this half term will be a Monday (Swimming at Hugh Tunstall). We also have Football on a Friday with Hartlepool United Football Club leading the sessions. Please make sure your child has warm clothing in case it is outside! 


Please look out for letters or information via dojo with updates for afterschool and lunchtime clubs.


Homework and spellings will be set on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday for homework books and online reources. Spellings will be tested every Friday.



Year 3 :)






Homework due 17th June 2024

Information for Parents Autumn Term at a Glance

Information for Parents Spring Term at a Glance

Information for Parents Summer Term at a Glance
