Maths is divided up into different areas and studied over the course of the year in three blocks.
Each morning we complete 5 arithmetic sums when we come in to school
At the beginning of each lesson we do mental and oral maths which is split in three parts; addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and counting. On a Friday we do a times tables test to work towards getting our target.
In Year 4 we need to know:
Addition and Subtraction:
The sums and differences of pairs of multiples of 10, 100 and 1000, addition doubles of numbers 1-100, recognise near doubles in calculations and use them, what must be added to any three digit number to make the next multiple of 100 and pairs of fraction that total 1.
Multiplication and division:
Multiplication facts for 7, 8 and 9 x and corresponding division facts, doubles of numbers 1 to 100, doubles of multiples of 10 and 100 and corresponding halves, fractions and decimal equivalents of one half, quarters, tenths and hundredths and factor pairs for known multiplication facts.
Count forward & backwards in 3s within 1000 and beyond 0. Count forward & backwards in 4s within 100 and beyond 0. Count forward & backwards in 6s within 100 and beyond 0. Count forward & backwards in 7s within 84 and beyond 0. Count forward & backwards in 8s within 96 and beyond 0. Count forward & backwards in 9s within 108 and beyond 0. Count forwards and backwards in unit fractions.
In Autumn we will begin by recapping and reteach number from year 3. We then move on to:
Number: Place value – (numbers beyond 1000), addition and subtraction (up to 4 digits ThHTO), multiplication and division – Recall 12x12 multiplication and division facts. Multiply two and three digit numbers by one digit and division includes remainders, All four operations including reasoning and inverse, Fractions – identify, name and write equivalent fractions including tenths and hundredths. Add and subtract with the same denominators.
Measure: Area, length and perimeter.
Geometry: quadrilaterals, triangles and symmetry.
In Spring we begin by catching up and covering misconceptions from assessments before moving onto:
Number - multiplication and division including reasoning, fractions and decimals – up to 2 decimal places and reasoning.
Statistics – interpret and present continuous and discrete data using bar charts and line graphs.
Measure – Time convert between analogue and digital 12 and 24 hour clocks.
Geometry – acute and obtuse angles.
Measure – convert between different units of measure Number: Reasoning
In the Summer term we start by catching up and cover misconceptions from assessments again. We then build on our number work again.
Number - Place value – Including number and practical problems, 4 operations including reasoning, fractions and decimals -solve problem up to 2 d.p, reasoning
Measure – Money and solve problems
Statistics – solve problems
Geometry – co-ordinates and translation in first quadrant