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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Curriculum Enrichment

All teachers are entitled to planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time, set as a minimum of ten per cent of their timetabled teaching time. When teachers take their PPA, we provide curriculum enrichment activities as shown below:




Day: Monday Morning

Class: 9

Year Group: 4
Activities: Recorder with TVMS and DT (MF).

Day: Monday Morning

Class: 10

Year Group: 4
Activities: DT (MF) and Recorder with TVMS.



Day: Tuesday Morning

Class: 7

Year Group: 3
Activities: Online Resources (AJ) and French (MF).


Day: Tuesday Morning

Class: 10

Year Group: 4
Activities: French (MF) and Online Resources (AJ).



Day: Wednesday Morning
Time: Morning

Class: 13

Year Group: 6
Activities: Ukulele with TVMS (ABO) and DT/Art - Maya Masks (AJ).


Day: Wednesday Morning
Time: Monday

Class: 14

Year Group: 6
Activities: DT/Art - Maya Masks (AJ) and Ukulele with TVMS (ABO).


Day: Wednesday Afternoon

Class: 0

Year Group: Nursery
Activities: Nursery PPA (Key Workers and TVMS)


Day: Wednesday Afternoon

Class: 1 & 2

Year Group: Reception
Activities: Reception PPA (AJ - Gross Motor Skills, Key Workers and TVMS)



Day: Thursday Morning

Class: 3

Year Group: 1
Activities:  Online Resources (RA) and Jigsaw (PW).


Day: Thursday Morning

Time: Morning

Class: 4

Year Group: 1
Activities:  Jigsaw (PW) and Online Resources (RA).


Day: Thursday Morning

Class: 11

Year Group: 5
Activities:  Art/DT (AJ) and Singing with TVMS (ABO).


Day: Thursday Morning

Class: 12

Year Group: 5
Activities: Singing with TVMS (ABO) and Art/DT (AJ).


Day: Thursday Afternoon

Class: 5

Year Group: 2
Activities:  Percussion with TVMS (RA) and iPads (RA).


Day: Thursday Afternoon

Class: 6

Year Group: 2
Activities: iPads (PW) and Percussion with TVMS (PW).



*Monday Afternoon: Y5 Dance with Karen Liddle School of Dance (


*Tuesday Morning:  Yoga with Mighty Warriors Limited (Karen Williams), 9.15am to 11.15am - 4 groups ( Tuesday Mornings: Autumn I, Spring I and Summer I. Thursday Afternoons: Autumn II, Spring II and Summer II (1.15pm to 3.15pm).

Wednesday Morning: Y3 Gymnastics with Dylan Jones (

Wednesday Afternoon: Year 5 Rugby with Rhys Clarke (

Thursday Mornning: Year 4 Basketball with Gail Watson (HTCS)

Thursday Afternoon: Year 6  Dodgeball with Gail Watson (HTCS)


Friday Morning: Y1 Dance  with Karen Liddle School of Dance (
Friday Afternoon: Year 2 Football with Hartlepool United Community Sports Foundation (



Swimming: HTCS - Mrs M Dixon


Tuesday/Wednesday (alternating weekly):

Y4 - Two Sessions: Pick-ups at 12.45pm and 1.40pm (10/9/24- 6/1/25)






Communities of Hope: Emma Cain (07597) 308722.

Page Updated: 28/05/2024.
