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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Year 1 Curriculum

Welcome to Year 1


Year 1 Staff

Class 3 - Mrs Tate (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning) Mrs Parker (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday)

Mr Powell

Class 4 - Mrs Fleetham-Reid

Miss Pell




Homework will be set every Monday and should be completed by the following Monday. 


  • Maths and Phonics workout books - to be handed in Mondays
  • Lexia 2x15 minutes
  • Reading at least 3 times weekly



This half term, PE, rugby, is each Wednesday afternoon. If you bring your kit, you can leave it in school. We suggest that children bring warm outdoor kit, such as jogging bottoms or hoodies.

Information for Parents Autumn Term at a Glance

Information for Parents Spring Term at a Glance

Information for Parents Summer Term at a Glance
