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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

The School Day

Each parent/carer is entitled to 15 hours of provision per week this can be taken via morning and afternoon sessions or via a more flexible approach, which incorporates full days. To obtain more information about the latter please contact our Nursery Lead, Mrs. Kate Oldfield:

Traditional morning session: 8:45am until 11.45am.

Traditional afternoon session: 12:30pm until 3.30pm.
Flexible Option 1: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning.
Flexible Option 2: Wednesday Afternoon, Thursday and Friday.
On full days children have a packed lunch within Nursery.


Reception to Year 6

School starts at 9.00am prompt. Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children can enter the school from 8.45am each day. Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 should be accompanied by a responsible adult (this is a person aged 18 and over).  Lunch is from 12.00pm until 1.00pm. School finishes at 3.20pm for all children with the exception of Nursery. Please note Reception children can arrive at school from 8.45am (via the Early Years Village).


Home Time
Home time is at 3.20pm. In the Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Year 3, we ask that an adult collects your child. If it is going to be somebody new to us, please let us know! If you will be late for any reason, please don’t hesitate in phoning the school office and we will make sure your child is looked after until you arrive. Please help us to teach your children to come straight back into school if there is nobody there to collect them. Staff are happy to see any parents after they have dismissed all of their children. Children in Years 4 to 6 can walk home, providing parental permission has been given.

Morning Playtime: 10.15am to 10.30am (daily).
Afternoon Playtime: 2.00pm to 2.15pm (daily, not Wednesday and Friday for Key Stage).

Updated: 12/09/2021
