During Year 4, children will build on their ICT knowledge and develop their skills covering the topics below:
Digital Literacy - My Online Life,
The ‘My Online Life’ activity supports the key aims of the government’s Internet Safety Strategy of supporting children to stay safe and make a positive contribution online and takes place over the term. Children will learn how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
CS- Computational Thinking/Coding
The children will learn about the structure of a program and learn to plan in logical, achievable steps to write a complex program, incorporating features such as selection, inputs, repetition, variables and procedures. attempt to debug their own programs and corrects/ debugs errors in code.
IT - Information Technology:
Children will learn, to produce documents, media and presentations with increasing independence and competency that present data/ information, to use a keyboard confidently and make use of tools such as a spellchecker and about new forms of technology E.g. AR, Virtual Reality, Wearable Technology etc.
They will also learn to search for and use information from a range of sources, about making notes from information found on websites to present their findings and that not all sources of information including websites are accurate and can check information using different sites.
For IT & DL combined children will create an Anglo Saxon game using Scratch and for CS & IT , we will be going "Back to the Future" - learning about different technologies both old and new, about inventors and the different components of a computer.