12.10.2021 - Christmas Cards
Personalised Christmas Cards and Merchandise PTA Fundraiser
From today you should receive your child’s Christmas card design. You can order a pack of the cards and additional products via SchoolMoney. Each child will have one pack of cards linked to their SchoolMoney account and additional items will be listed under the shop tab.
Please ensure you check the spelling of your child’s name on the Christmas card and let us know by e-mailing admin@throstonschool.org.uk if you require any changes. If your child did not do a card, we can still scan a card and send it to the company, just let us know if you want us to do this.
The deadline for orders and name changes is 12.00pm on Tuesday 19th October 2021.
Any queries please ring the school office on (01429) 288291.
Thank you from the PTA for your continued support.