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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Autumn Half-Term - 21.10.2021

Please remember we break-up for autumn half-term on Friday 22nd October 2021. We re-open on Tuesday 2nd November 2021. There is NO after school club on Friday 22nd October 2021.


Monday 1st November 2021 is a Professional Development Day, children do not attend school.

During half-term we will have many projects to improve the school:


1) We have more internal works on fire compartmentation to improve safety.


2) We have more heating units in school being upgraded so we can continue to be 'toasty and warm'.


3) We have more tree work taking place, mainly pollarding. By keeping trees smaller we can prevent the risk of accidents in high winds. Pollarding also helps ensure our trees do not block out light for local residents and ensures street lights are not obscured.


4) We have a new pump being fitted in Early Years, to ensure we have easier access to water when children are outdoors.


5) We also have resurfacing work, taking place. The tarmacking will start at the new gate near Kullar's Shop and stretch to just beyond the green gates near Mr. Sowerby's bungalow. This work will then allow a new school car park barrier to be installed and a cycle/pedestrian path. Unfortunately, the work will not be completed in half-term, so the entrance path near the school bungalow on the approach to Key Stage 2 will be out of use during the first week back. I can only apologise for the inconvenience caused. However, hopefully the benefits outweigh the inconvenience. The image below shows the path in question.



6) Our hall doors are also going to be serviced.


PLEASE REMEMBER: Year 6 parents and carers please also remember Sunday 31st October 2021 is the deadline to apply for a secondary school place for September 2022.
