Christmas 2021
The Last Day - Watching Aladdin the Pantomime.
School Christmas Dinner:
School Christmas Dinner will take place on Friday 3rd December 2021, this meal will launch our Christmas activity programme. By now the school office will know whether your child is having a change from packed lunch on that day.
On this day children can wear a Christmas jumper if they wish.
Christmas Raffle:
From Tuesday 23rd November 2021, you will be able to buy from our online school shop a £5 raffle ticket for our 'Amazing Christmas PTA Raffle'. Needless to say you can buy more than one ticket. The closing date to purchase a raffle ticket is Monday 13th December 2021 at 9.00am. The raffle will take place virtually via Zoom on Wednesday 15th December 2021, at 9.15am, via the link below:
Meeting ID: 963 9462 1768
Passcode: 687529
1st Prize: £250
2nd Prize: £150
3rd Prize: £75
There will be then be at least 15 additional prizes, such as those shown below, good luck everyone!
Wednesday 15th December 2021 Raffle Update:
The raffle has helped us raise an amazing £560 for school funds - thank you for participating. The school office has arranged distribution of all the prizes. The big winners were:
1st - £250 - won by: Libby Woodhall
2nd - £150 - won by: Zane Watson
3rd - £75 - won by: Harriett Devine
Christmas Shows:
Due to guidance from public heath (following the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in Classes 3, 4 and 7) we are having to adapt our planned Christmas shows, via reducing the audience size and having separate year group shows. Nonetheless, despite having to implement new mitigations it will be great for parents and carers to watch a live show once again (and not virtually)!
Please note all shows will be recorded and added to the school website.
Entry: Main School Entrance
Exit: Breakfast/After School Entrance
Please note we will allocate 2 tickets per child. Please use the link below to book your tickets from 10.00am on Monday 29th November 2021 to 10.00am on Friday 3rd December 2021.
Please ensure we have the correct contact details.
Parents and carers (Reception to Year 6) will then have the choice to have two representatives at one show, or one representative at the morning show and one representative at the afternoon show.
Wednesday 8th December 2021
9.15am: Nursery (Morning and Start of the Week Children).
1.30pm: Nursery (Afternoon and End of the Week Children).
10.15am: Reception.
2.30pm: Reception.
Thursday 9th December 2021
9.15am: Year 5.
10.15am: Year 6.
1.30pm: Year 5.
2.30pm: Year 6.
Friday 10th December 2021
9.15am: Year 1.
10.15am: Year 2.
1.30pm: Year 1.
2.30pm: Year 2.
Monday 13th December 2021
9.15am: Year 3.
10.15am: Year 4.
1.30pm: Year 3.
2.30pm: Year 4.
Christmas Visits:
Tuesday 14th December 2021: Nursery to visit the ARC (Stockton Arts Centre) to see 'The Tin Foil Astronaut' (morning).
Thursday 16th December 2021: Reception to visit the ARC (Stockton Arts Centre) to see 'The Tin Foil Astronaut' (morning).
Christmas Parties (with a very special visitor):
On party days children do not need to wear school uniform.
Tuesday 7th December 2021: Throstie Tots (morning).
Tuesday 14th December 2021: Year 5 and Year 6 (afternoon, using differing sections of the school hall).
Wednesday 15th December 2021: Nursery (morning and afternoon).
Wednesday 15th December 2021: Reception (afternoon, using differing sections of the school hall to Nursery).
Thursday 16th December 2021: Year 1 and Year 2 (morning, using differing sections of the school hall).
Thursday 16th December 2021: Year 3 and Year 4 (afternoon, using differing sections of the school hall).
Christmas Pantomime and Assemblies:
Friday 17th December 2021: Christmas 'Virtual' Pantomime in Classrooms (Morning).
Friday 17th December 2021: Cards and Calendars Assembly (1.30pm).
Christmas Cards
Children can bring in Christmas Cards for their class. Unfortunately, there will be no Christmas postbox this year. Usually, Year 6 children would deliver cards across the school.
Christmas Kindness
Well done to our Year 1 Santa (and the older Santa in the picture) who participated in a 'Charity Santa Run'. I was told our Year 1 Santa raised a very impressive £40, amazing work!
Look at this heart-warming image at Christmas time. It shows one of our Year 4 children donating £100 to St. Aidan's Church Food Bank. The pupil wanted to help the less fortunate at Christmas time, so managed to arrange a very successful fundraising blind card. Well done, we are very proud of you!
A Christmas Card designed by Shay Turnbull in Year 6.