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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success


At Throston Primary School we ensure that the children benefit from the best learning environment

possible. Below is a list of some of our facilities:


  1. Bespoke outdoor areas, with canopies for Early Years and Key Stage 1.
  2. Interventions rooms.
  3. A state-of-the-art ICT suite with 31 iMac computers. A mobile suite of 32 wireless notebooks.
  4. A multimedia room, which can be used for art and design, chess and group work.
  5. A community garden and community kitchen.
  6. A school kitchen, which has the latest appliances.
  7. Every class benefits from an interactive whiteboard, data projector and visualiser.
  8. A bespoke learning zone within the school hall. Children are able to write on the walls in this room.