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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Councilor Sharp, Y4 at St. Luke's, Y6 at the Hospital, a New Throstie, Raffle News, Film Night and Panto - 12.12.2022

Today, in assembly we were visited by an ex-pupil. Cameron Sharp spoke about his role as councillor, and what inspired him and his aspirations for the future. He message was 'work hard' to achieve.

Here are Year 4 visiting St. Luke's Church as part of their curriculum work.

Well done to our Year 6 children who sang today at Hartlepool Hospital, during their annual Christmas Service. Whilst there they managed to raise £79.61, thanks to very generous onlookers. This money will be spent on items for the St. Aidan's Food Bank. 

From today every child who performed so magnificently last week in a Christmas Show, will receive a new bespoke Throstie badge as a reward (as shown). Well done everyone you deserve your badge!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Hartlepool Rotary Club Christmas Raffle Draw, unfortunately we had no winners from the school. Nonetheless, you helped manage to raise £39.60 for school funds. Thank you so much!

After School Club Christmas Party

We are so proud of our Year 5 superstar, who is currently part of 'Beauty and the Beast' in Newcastle. Don't the outfits look amazing!
