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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

History of the School

The school was officially opened on Friday 18th May 1973 by the Mayor of Hartlepool, Alderman Mrs. E. Sprintall. The first head teacher was Mr. D. Bell. The school cost £112,987. In 1977 a Nursery Class was added. Even though the school was officially opened in 1973, children were admitted from 1971.


An excerpt from the official opening booklet: In October, 1966, the former West Hartlepool Education Committee considered a report on a proposed substantial housing development in the west and north-west of the town, namely in the West Park and Throston Grange areas, and the Committee therefore decided to ask the Department of Education and Science to include the building of the proposed Throston County Junior School in the 1968/69 Educational Building Programme. In accordance with the policy of the Education Committee, the proposed school was to be of two-form entry, that is admitting 80 children each year. The child in the photograph (dated 2013) below, like the school was born on the 18th May!

Page Updated: 23/01/2023.
