Targets and Times-Tables
Please remember that all children in Early Years have a target linked to their curriculum whilst all children in Year 1 to Year 6 have a target in English and Maths. For each target obtained children (Reception to Year 6) receive a different star. The stars in ascending order are as follows: bronze, silver, gold, ruby, sapphire, emerald, amber and diamond. You will be able to see what targets your child has obtained on their mid-term and end of year report card. Alongside target stars children can also achieve times-tables badges. Children achieve their bespoke badge after passing a short test with the head teacher. Badges are linked to differing times-tables: Bronze Badge: Good knowledge of the x2, x5 and x 10 multiplication tables; Silver Badge: Good knowledge of the x3, x4 and x 8 multiplication tables; Gold Badge: Good knowledge of the x6, x7and x9 multiplication tables and Champions Badge (the black-belt of tables): Good knowledge of the x11 to x20 multiplication tables. You will be able to see what times-tables badge your child has obtained on their mid-term and end of year report card.