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Throston Primary School

A Flying Start to Success

Year 4 Curriculum

Welcome to Year 4


During your time in Y4 we want you to:

"work hard, play hard, dream big, love loads, laugh as much as you can and give back."

We will be working as one big team to make us smarter, wiser and mightier.


Year 4 staff


Class 9 - Mrs Samuel

Class 10 - Ms Neal

Mrs Feroz and Miss Whitaker




Homework will be set each Monday to be completed for the following Monday (please see section below for all homework tasks.)



Thursday pm



Thursday am - Basketball 


Swimming (HTCS)

September:  Tuesday:    10th, 24th.    

                     Wednesday: 18th

October:  Tuesday:   8th, 22nd

                 Wednesday: 2nd, 16th


Please make sure your child has appropriate PE kit. (See


Information for Parents Autumn Term at a Glance

Information for Parents Spring Term at a Glance

Information for Parents Summer Term at a Glance

