All parents and carers need to inform us ASAP if their child shows symptoms of COVID-19, namely:
1) A new continuous cough;
2) A high temperature;
3) A loss of, or change in normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).
Please can you do this only by contacting the school office on (01429) 288291 or via e-mailing:
Our attendance officer, Mrs. Winspear (
The school office (
Please DO NOT dojo class teachers, as they may fail to pick up a message due to teaching commitments.
Please remember if your child displays the symptoms above you must:
1) Keep your child (and siblings if applicable) off school for 10 days or until symptoms have resolved.
2) Arrange to have your child tested.
3) Tell us that the test has been booked.
4) Tell us the result as soon as you receive it.
5) Follow our advice about when your child can return.
Please contact the school office if you have any queries or need clarification.
All messages regarding pupil absence/illness should be passed to the school office and not the class teacher.
Please find below details of our current policy. Our policy is based on Local Authority guidance namely the ‘Guidance on Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions'. The important message is: medicines should only be taken to school when essential, that is where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if the medicine were not administered during the school day.
A request must be made by parents to the head teacher for prescribed medicine (including medicine for asthma) to be administered OR for their child to self administer their medicine at school. Relevant forms can be obtained from the school office (a form is attached at the end of this page).
The school will only accept medicines which have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse practitioner or pharmacist prescriber.
The school will only accept medicine that is provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist with the prescriber’s instructions for administration and dosage.
The school will NOT accept medicines that have been taken out of the container as originally dispensed nor make changes to the dosages on parental instructions.
Parents should only ask for medicines to be administered if they cannot be taken out of school hours, namely in excess of a morning, teatime and bedtime administration cycle.
Water Bottles:
Please encourage your child to bring in a labelled bottle of water every day as it is an important refreshment to aid their concentration.
Chicken Pox:
The guidance, which Throston Primary School follows, is from 'Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and Other Childcare Settings March 2017'. Children are advised to return to school once the vesicles (spots) have crusted over.
The procedure for dealing with headlice is detailed below:
If a child is found to have headlice, on that day, a notification will be made to the child’s parents/carer to inform them via phone, text or ClassDojo. Children will be then allowed to be taken out of school for treatment. After treatment the child can be returned to school (it is important that the child is re-treated after the first application in order to eradicate head lice). Please note it is not expected that a child is taken out of school.
Class teachers will notify via ClassDojo all parents/carers who have been in the same class as the child with head lice. They will ask parents/carers to check at home for head lice and treat if necessary. If parents/carers are not on ClassDojo, they will need to be contacted via phone/text.
Please note as always more advice is available from your local GP and pharmacist.
If your child has a wart, please can you keep it covered to prevent the virus from spreading.
Sickness and Diarrhoea:
Young children are more prone to upset stomachs. If your child has a bout of sickness or diarrhoea, we ask that they remain at home for 48 hours after the last bout. This will help to minimise the risk of other children becoming prone to the virus.
Please note a bespoke minor injury slip will be distributed when a child suffers an accident which is not believed to be serious. All injuries which cause concern will be followed up via a phone call home. The minor injury letter has a dual purpose it will make you aware if your child has sustained an injury and also provides advice on how you can check that the injury is not becoming worse.
Staff Car Parks:
Please can you ensure your child does not walk across our busy and dangerous school car park. Please
remember this car park is for staff and deliveries only.
Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings
Prevent the spread of infection by ensuring: routine immunisation, high standards of personal hygiene and practice, particularly handwashing, and maintaining a clean environment. Please contact your local health protection unit (HPU) or visit if you would like any further advice or information,
including the latest guidance.
Sun Safety:
During the times when it is very hot at school please can we request that you apply sun tan lotion to your
child before they come to school. Children should also wear a cap and bring a water bottle to school. Sunglasses are permitted.
Children at Risk:
Within our school we have many children with a low level of immunity; therefore we would appreciate it if you could inform us as soon as possible if your child has any of the following conditions: chicken pox,
measles or slapped cheek (parvovirus B19). ‘Health Protection Agency’ ( guidance states that children with slapped cheek do not need to be kept away from school. However, those that are pregnant (before 20 weeks) should inform whoever is giving antenatal care immediately, as slapped cheek can occasionally affect an unborn child. For more guidance please download the guidance poster below.